Hello %%FirstName%%
The team at eConnect Email would like to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and best wishes for a prosperous 2011! We have put together some tips and tricks to making your email marketing a success in the new year. As always we welcome your feedback and if you have any questions about our software, we are hear to help.
Have a merry little email and a happy new marketing campaign...

Email Marketing – Understanding Response Rates
Imagine you're having a face-to-face conversation with a friend. You analyze facial expressions, body language, and verbal response in an effort to see if your friend is interested, distracted, or entirely tuning you out. By monitoring their responses, you can adjust your conversation as needed. In the same way that watching your friend's reactions helps you carry on a better conversation, monitoring email response rates help gauge the interest of your subscribers.
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Split Testing: The Way Email Marketing Should Be Done
Are you tired of mediocre open rates from your email campaigns? What if you could eliminate the frustration of guessing at subject lines and content that will gain the attention of your subscribers? Imagine getting great results the first time you send out an email. When it comes to email marketing split testing is a no brainer. Using this powerful tool, you can put your marketing strategies in overdrive.
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The Debate: "Is Email Dead?"
Nowadays, email has to compete with Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and RSS feeds to even get noticed. Even so, the question "Is email dead?" is rather simplistic. Of course it's not dead. People still use email and they still sign up for e-newsletters and promotional emails. But that's not really what most people want to know when they ask the question. They want to know whether email marketing is still a good investment for their company.
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Our Great Software, Your Personalized Brand
The eConnect Email Team is excited to announce the release of our Private Label Email Marketing Solution. With eConnect Email, you can launch a fully branded email marketing service without the hassle and cost of developing and maintaining an in-house solution.
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