Do you use e-mail marketing at work or in your own business? If you do, here’s the good news: Outlook 2010 Beta is now ready for use in your Inbox Preview reports within eConnect Email. While some email marketers weren’t happy with the fact that outlook 2010 is using the Microsoft Word 2010 rendering engine in nearly the same way that it did in 2007, there have been some improvements to 2010 that will help you in your email marketing.
The reason for uproar over the 2007 version with Word was that many preferred to view in a browser. This uproar at least got the attention of the folks at outlook, and the small concession that resulted was the little message/link “view in web browser” that allows the viewer to open up a web browser. This just ensures additional rendering options available for your recipient, which is a wonderful thing if you use e-mail marketing.
To ensure that the link will be visible to your recipient, use the following steps:
1. If you’re already using a <style /> tag in the <head /> of your email just tack on this line of code:
#ForceOutlook2010BroswerLink span { padding: 0px; }
2. If you aren’t using <style /> tags or prefer a cleaner method just place this span tag in the <body /> of your email:
<span style=”padding: 0px;”></span>
While nothing else seems to have changed much with Outlook 2010, and this change seems to be a small one, it is at least proof that things may be heading in a better direction.