Are You Adding A Modify Details Link To Your Email Campaigns?

Subscribers need to have the ability to ‘modify their details’ within an email for many reasons. It’s so frustrating when you simply want to update your email address or some other bit of information and there’s no means to do it or you have to jump through too many hoops to get there.

Just like any other online account, users should be able to update their email subscription information online.  From a marketer’s standpoint, you want users to have the option of updating their info with you at any time and deter them from unsubscribing.

The more in tune your clients are with you, the more likely they are to keep their information up to date at all times.

More and more, you see the words ‘Modify Details’ or ‘Update Profile’ right next to the Unsubscribe link in email footers, a trend that is especially important if you have multiple lists. Like fashion, taste in food and what rotates through my iPod, preferences change and what someone wanted to receive two months ago may not be copacetic with them now.

Within eConnect Email, you can create a Modify Details page in seconds. Here’s how you do it:

– Login and head to Forms in the left hand column (Advanced Integration). Select ‘Create A Website Form’.

– Enter in your preferences for the form and select what lists you want people to update, including any specific Custom Fields within the lists.

– Make any customizations for the follow-up Thank You and Error page.

That’s it! Now all you need to do is include a link in your email (either from a predefined link after hitting the Links icon in the WYSIWYG, a merge tag or a Custom Field) and you’ve given people the opportunity to update their details with a single click – including their email address.

So are you emailing with just an unsubscribe link? That’s so 2003.