Email Marketing – Displaying Photos of Contest Winners

One interesting facet of email marketing is holding contests—this isn’t exactly a novel idea anymore, but it can add interest and involve your customers.  But if you decide to run a contest, beware of how you post the winners!  Some sites have opted for using a mix of email marketing and other media such as Facebook and Twitter.  If you decide to post pictures of your contest winners in your emails, beware of the pictures you choose to use.  Don’t use pictures that make your winners look bad.  They probably won’t appreciate it, and it won’t exactly make you look like you have a respectable customer base.  And if you don’t have their picture, request it from them—don’t post a default image.  It’s better to request pictures up front from your contestants and let them know that you’ll be putting them in your email.  You’re more likely to get decent pictures that way.  If you decide not to go with pictures, a clever logo or design can be just as creative.  Remember, your customers have used your business and are participating, so do them a favor and present them in the best possible light.