Five Email Apps to Spice Up Your Email Campaigns

Today’s consumers have moved beyond being impressed with social media marketing efforts. Nowadays, it’s not impressive; it’s expected. But that’s old news for most marketers. If you don’t have a solid social media strategy in place, you’re a step behind. For those of you that do, the next step is integrating the various aspects of your marketing approach so that they work together.

Far from being competitors in the marketplace, email marketing and social media should be viewed as allies in your broader marketing approach. To accomplish that goal, start by integrating some of these popular email apps:

Social Sharing

This is a broad category that includes sharing buttons for a variety of popular networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email, and more. Create a copy of your email to share with your social media contacts with the click of a button.

Facebook Share/Like

Even if you don’t include a variety of social sharing buttons, you’ll want to at least make it possible for your subscribers to share your email content on their Facebook pages. Include a share/like button and recruit your loyal followers to help spread your message among their friends.

Google+ Updates

Share your latest status updates, encourage follows and Circles, and keep your subscribers informed about your Google+ activity all via email.


This one has been around for a while, but it’s still worth mentioning. Don’t overlook the forward-to-a-friend option for every email you send. It’s one of the easiest ways to perpetuate your message and reach a broader audience.

QR Code for V-Card Info

Create a QR code for your v-card information that can be included in every email. The QR code makes it easy to share your vital information with every subscriber.

Beyond these functional and popular apps, you can incorporate a host of fun or quirky ideas that will keep your email content fresh and interesting. Consider including a trivia tidbit from Wikipedia, a quote of the day, or a song of the day using one of the many email apps designed to perk up your content.

The apps you choose will depend on the character of your business and the desired tone of your emails. At eConnect Email – a full service email marketing agency, we offer integrated social sharing options for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and email to help you deliver your message in a variety of formats to the broadest possible audience. We’ll also help you monitor how often your messages are shared using our Reports feature, keeping you on top of your marketing game.