You Don’t Want Them To Like It – You Want Them To Love It.

So your company has a Facebook fan page. Maybe you’ve got a couple hundred likes, and you want to take it to the next level. You added a “Like us on Facebook” link to your eConnect email campaigns, expecting your Facebook fan club to explode like Justin Bieber’s.

It’s been a week since you hit “send” on your email campaign, and you’re getting a fraction of the results you wanted.

What happened? Perhaps your Facebook page doesn’t have the value it should have in order to attract attention on Facebook. Read on for some tips to generate excitement for your company’s Facebook page.

Your Facebook Page Needs Purpose

There’s more to having a Facebook fan page than just having a spot on the social network. Many businesses start a Facebook fan page, but have no clear direction for it. If you’re going to market your Facebook page through email marketing, then customers need to know your Facebook page has something to offer.

Facebook is an invaluable way for customers and the business to interact. Even complaints, when handled publicly with tact and grace, can make your business look good when handled on the Facebook page.

Your Facebook Page Needs Value

Savvy business Facebook users know the value of the social network as a communication tool. If you’re a college or other event-based business, then Facebook is an invaluable way to communicate special events. Facebook-exclusive discounts are another way to generate interest. Since Facebook is a social network, you might take down the walls of formality a bit, displaying candid photos of CEOs or executives at play or interacting humbly with customers.

Your Facebook Page Needs Selling

If you’ve already sent out an email to your existing customers about your Facebook page, great! If you’ve taken the above tips to heart and designed your Facebook fan page to add value to the customer/Facebook page interaction, even better. What you may not know is that Facebook offers a host of online tools for you to market your Facebook page… through Facebook. Their marketing system is similar to Google’s, with a pay-per-click system, offering convenient ways to target ads to your key demographics. It may be a great way to lead new customers to your doorstep as well.

All in all, your business’s Facebook page is a valuable component to your marketing machine. But you don’t just want customers to click on your Facebook page once you’ve announced it to them via email—you want to add value to their experience surfing on your company’s Facebook page. Furthermore, by utilizing the Facebook marketing tools, you can help increase your visibility and put your company in front of more customers.

If you’re looking for an email marketing vendor that understands the importance of social media and the power of leveraging email marketing to grow your followers we’d love to have a conservation with you.